
George F. White

Special Agent Pilot George E. White, of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, was killed on March 25, 1973, after his plane hit a power line near Tucson, Arizona. He was 31 years of age at the time of his death. George White graduated from Utah State University in 1963, with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics. Prior to joining the agency White was a decorated Air Force pilot who served eight years in Vietnam as a squadron leader and fighter pilot instructor. As Captain, he received the Distinguished Flying Cross with two oak leaf clusters, the Air Medal with 26 oak leaf clusters, and a Bronze Star. Special Agent White joined BNDD in January 1972, and after basic agent training in Washington, D.C., was assigned to the Tucson District Office. Special Agent White was recognized with a Special Achievement Award for his work on the notorious Dominguez Family of Sonora, Mexico.

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George F. White

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George F. White

Comments about George F. White

George went by Ferd, his middle name until he went into the USAF. He flew more than 300 air combat missions, most over North Vietnam during a couple of tours. He had blown out an ear drum in an explosion and disaqualified to fly for the airlines. But serving the country in the DEA was more in keeping anyway. Five years older, he was like a brother to me although he was my uncle, my Mom's youngest sibling.— Reyn Bowman